What Are You Looking For?

Matter Management Software for Law Firms

Work more efficiently on matters using Actionstep’s legal matter management software to accelerate case progress. Use matter workflows, matter-specific templates, intuitive task automation, status reporting, and more to help keep your team on task and matters moving forward.

Matter management simplified

Tailor matter types to your law firm

Process matters more efficiently by customizing your matter types with unique workflows, tasks, folder structures, custom data fields, document templates, billing arrangements, and list views for reports so nothing gets missed. 

Automate your ideal matter processes with workflows

Each matter type can be supported by a specific workflow to guide your team through a series of steps. The workflow automates certain actions at each step such as sending out an email once a client intake form is completed, assigning tasks, and prompting team members to enter data. This will help increase productivity and improve the quality of the work produced by your team.   

Get notified of matter statuses

Actionstep’s matter management solutions for law firms can be customized to show you the details you need. View which step matters are on, a library of file notes, and the next action required. Statuses can be downloaded as an Excel document or emailed to you daily or weekly.  

Keep notes centralized and accessible

Store all notes from you and your colleagues relating to the matter in one place. You no longer need to search through different systems, sticky notes, notepads, or emails. 

Access everything you need to know about your matters

Each matter gets its own electronic file that contains everything your legal staff needs to know about the matter, including:  

  • Related contacts and their roles in the matter 
  • File notes, documents, emails, and calendar meetings 
  • Time records, billing, and costs 
  • Workflows and work in progress 
  • Trust accounting, custom data fields, audit trails 
  • And much more! 
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