
Send invoice reminders using your own email templates, apply late fees, calculate penalty interest, and offer credit card payment options to your clients.

LegalCollect has all the tools you need to streamline your debt recovery processes and get paid quickly.


  • Invoice Reminders: Automated reminders using your email templates, on your schedule
  • Merge Fields: Use merge fields to customise your email templates
  • Email Tracking: See if emails are delivered and opened
  • Credit Card Gateway: Offer online payment options to your clients
  • Late Payment Penalties: Automatically calculate penalties and have them applied to your matters
  • VIP Clients: Exclude special clients from having reminders sent

Actionstep Integration

  • Automatic nightly download of your Actionstep invoice data
  • Creation of disbursements of penalties and/or late fees on your Matters
  • Creation of File Notes on your Matters
  • Deep link connection to your Matters

Learn more about LegalCollect

Price: Free + LegalCollect SubscriptionAuthor: LegalCollectContact UsInstall
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