What Are You Looking For?

Actionstep BATES Exporter

Effortless Bates Numbering for Law Firms

What is Bates Exporter? 

Bates Exporter by 247Contracts365 simplifies Bates numbering and file exportation directly from Actionstep. Connect to your matter, apply BATES IDs, and export files with CSV for seamless discovery transfer. 

What does Bates Exporter do? 

Bates Exporter enables Actionstep users to create a compact, single file with BATES IDs, ensuring easy and efficient transfer to opposing counsel or internal teams. 

Can I have a trial? 

Contact Bates Exporter for trial options and explore how Bates Exporter can streamline your Bates numbering process. 

What are the requirements to use Bates Exporter? 

Subscription/cost: $15/m per 5GB 

Actionstep permissions: Click and use integration. 

Native/iPaaS requirements: Regular updates and customer support 

How do you get started? 

To learn more or start using Bates Exporter, visit our website: Bates Exporter 

Contact Bates Exporter 


The system additions, workflows, and/or document templates contained in this add-on are included as examples only, and you are solely responsible for configuring the system to meet your needs and to comply with local regulatory requirements. We update and maintain this add-on as per our third-party liaison recommendations, but cannot guarantee the contents will always remain up-to-date for your region. Actionstep and other providers will not be liable under the law of tort, contract or otherwise for any loss of profits or any indirect or consequential loss or damage, however caused, arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this add-on.

Price: $15/m per 5GB
Author: 245Contracts365
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